vrijdag 27 augustus 2010

Week Calendar 1.4 now available

Week Calendar 1.4 has just been approved by Apple and is available as an update in the App Store .

  • added Italian localization
  • events spanning multiple days are now correctly displayed in all those days
  • calendar colors can now be customized (see settings)
  • fix: calendar would be aligned wrongly on start when showing more than 16 hours without scrolling
  • pressing the "Today"-button now makes sure the current time is visible
  • fix: all day events below the scroll area where not tappable
  • the height of the all-day area can now be customized
  • various small interface enhancements

donderdag 19 augustus 2010

Upcoming for Week Calendar 1.4

We are working hard on Week Calendar 1.4 after lots and lots of suggestions from all our users! Because of this incredible feedback, we will share what will be new in version 1.4 of Week Calendar.

Events over multiple days
In Week Calendar 1.3.1 and before, events that span multiple days were only displayed correctly on the first day. This is fixed in 1.4 as you can see on the following screenshot: the 22:30 Thursday event wraps over to the next day.
An event spanning multiple days
Changing Calendar colors
This is actually the top-most requested item. It turns out that when iTunes syncs your calendar with MS Outlook, the calendar colors would not be synchronized to the iPhone by iTunes.

To enhance our user experience in this case, we've added an option to recolor a calendar in 1.4:

extra settings to change calendar colors

Resizable all-day events bar
Another request that we got a lot is to set a custom size for the all-day events bar. Some people have lots of all-day events and that got kinda messy in Week Calendar.  Version 1.4 allows the user to pick a size for the all-day events bar or, make the bar automatically size to fit.
all-day events bar with size for 4 rows

We've also did lots of small bug fixes and speed optimizations to make working with Week Calendar even more awesome!

dinsdag 17 augustus 2010

Week Calendar 1.3

Week Calendar 1.3 has been approved by Apple and can now be found in the App Store. Open your App Store application to update Week Calendar.

Our main theme for version 1.3 was to make the interface much more pleasant to look at by giving it more body and a more distinguished look. According to all of the feedback we got (and we got lots - thanks everyone), we really succeeded in realizing both of these goals.
New looks for Week Calendar 1.3
Here's a small rundown of the biggest changes:
  • events are now more solid (less opacity), but they also feature softer colors
  • selected events stand out much more due to more shadow and a plastic, glossy look
  • text lay-out is much more readable by cutting of less words
  • we dropped the alternating white/gray days
  • all dates are now completely integrated in the top bar
  • the top and bottom bar feature a soft metallic look, with matching blue-ish icons

We are also aware of a inconvenient bug  in Week Calendar 1.3: if you hide a calendar, on next start of Week Cal, all calendars are incorrectly hidden. We immediately submitted an emergency fix to Apple, so we are now at Apple's mercy on that one.

donderdag 12 augustus 2010

Upcoming bugfixes

We've got lots of positive feedback for Week Calendar so far: much thanks for that! A lot of the feedback on new features will be used for Week Calendar 1.3, which will be a major update.

Besides feature requests, we also received a couple of bug reports. Since we fixed most of them, we'll share those with you in a small list here:

  • the calendar is resized incorrectly when rotated when in the settings or event viewer
  • the application can crash when holding down a finger to long when there is nothing on the clipboard
  • events between two weeks can now be identified by a straight border
We've fixed al of these bugs so far, but we'll have to wait for Apple to approve version 1.3.

zaterdag 7 augustus 2010

1.2 Released

Week Calendar 1.2 has just been released and is now available in the App Store . We've incorporated many of the requested features and lots of bug fixes.

Week Cal 1.2 features the following updates:
⁃ fix: rotated calendar display
⁃ fix: issue with popup not hiding
⁃ fix: issue with editing animation not working 
⁃ fix: non-changeable events don't enable the delete 
button anymore
⁃ fix: several performance enhancements 
⁃ fix: critical bug where events data would get corrupted

⁃ new: interface fix ups with the toolbar
⁃ new: copy events
⁃ new: paste copied events
⁃ new: paste arbitrary text appointments
⁃ new: hide/view calendars
⁃ new: current time indicator

⁃ settings can now also be edited in the application itself
⁃ more than 3 all day events can now be scrolled and will display correctly
⁃ various interface improvements
⁃ added localizations (english, dutch), more to come soon

On a side note, we've also submitted version 1.2.1 to Apple for review, which added an extra option to switch between US and European (ISO) week numbering, since there was some confusion about which numbering was used.

woensdag 4 augustus 2010

Week Calendar 1.2 Development

Things are going at a rush pace here, so we've already been working on Week Calendar 1.2. Here's a small video of our progress.

We've managed to add a lot of requested features in there, such as hiding calendars, copy/paste support.

As you can see, we've also brushed up the interface quite a bit: selected events now look shinier and the animations are all a bit smoother.

Here's the video:

We are also translating Week Calendar into many different languages, including Dutch, German, French and Spanish.

zondag 1 augustus 2010

Week Calendar 1.1

We've just sent Week Calendar 1.1 to Apple for Review: once Apple approves our update, you will be able to download it from the App Store like you would with other apps.

So, what's new in Week Calendar 1.1? 
The main thing we focussed on were emergency fixes: turns out there was a problem with updating events and syncing the calendar database that caused Week Calendar to crash that only occurred under specific conditions.  Unfortunately, these conditions didn't happen on our testing devices, so we only learned about it once the first crash reports started coming in: oops!
Luckily, we were able to fix these bugs in Week Cal 1.1.

We've also worked on adding the most requested features in 1.1:

  • By default, the calendar is displayed in fullscreen modus. Of course, this is configurable.
  • We now support Landscape orientation. Also configurable.
  • There's an option to not display 1-day events in the normal calendar
Landscape mode for Week Calendar 1.1
For version 1.2 we will focus on improving performance and adding more requested features. So, sent us all your suggestions and improvements by e-mail, twitter to @aveapps our in the comments on this blog.